A Sunshine Award from a Moon Goddess

It’s been many long months but, it’s finally here.  Another award for me to boast about to my small, but slowly growing, virtual audience.  Today I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by none other than the Greek goddess of the Moon and the Hunt, Artemis.


Why I’ve received a sun-based reward from Artemis is unknown, perhaps her brother Apollo owed her one, but I’m honored to receive this prestigious award from such a powerful divine being.  All joking aside, thank you Artemis, you’ve been one of the most active and interesting members of my small audience and I should be thanking you award or no.

The Ceremonial Rules regarding this award are as follows:

  • Thank the one who nominated you and post a link to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions of asked of thee by the nominator.
  • Nominate 11 others for the award and ask of them 11 questions.
  • List the rules in your post and be sure to have the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.

The questions asked of me are:

Q: What was the first movie you ever saw in a cinema?

A: Probably the first Harry Potter, or maybe Star Wars Episode 1, I don’t remember for sure.

Q: If you could snap your fingers and be super-talented at any one (non-fantastical) thing, what would it be?

A: Coding, because that way I could hopefully have a more marketable job skill while still being a creative.

Q: Is there any food you absolutely can’t stand?

A: Any cooked fruit, I like my fruit crisp and crunchy, not warm and soggy.

Q: Based on your own personality, which Stock Japanese Character would you be?

A: Probably the Ronin, I like the moral attitudes of Samurai and other warrior codes but I prefer to move to the beat of my own drum.

Q: Assuming it was totally safe and you had the time and money, where would you most like to spend a week’s vacation?

A: Egypt and the Middle East’s Mediterranean coast.  I’m a history buff and ancient civilizations are my favorite, if I had the money and knew I’d be safe it would be a crime against myself not to go.

Q: What natural disaster is the most terrifying?

A: Tornadoes, because the best way to survive one coming at you is to hide underground and that sounds very stressful to say the least, also even if you hide it still fucks up your house and stuff.

Q: Have you ever broken any bones and if so, how?

A: Not yet, and I hope not ever.

Q: Even if you’ve only watched a few minutes, what’s the single worst anime you’ve ever seen?

A: I’m so tempted to say Sword Art Online or Tokyo Ghoul, but I think this dishonor goes to Ikki Tousen, which I’m ashamed to saw I’ve seen all four seasons of back when I was an anime noob.

Q:What charity would you donate a million dollars to?

A: This is a tough one because as they grow, charities tend to serve the intended targets less and serve its members more.  So let’s say a newly formed charity group supporting veterans.

Q: What’s your biggest pet peeve?

A: My biggest pet peeve is people acting like total assholes to people who don’t think like them and not recognizing how bad their behavior is, let alone owning up to said behavior, because they think the people they are insulting and harassing are all worse than them.  If this sounds like a bizarre pet peeve, you may not be aware of just how much venom is plaguing public spaces in America right now after the recently ended US presidential race, or you may be participating in the venom and not owning up to it.

Q: Did you ever believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, or the tooth fairy?

A: Yes, probably until I eight at least for Santa and the Easter Bunny, not so sure when I stopped believing in the tooth fairy.

Now that my trial is over, I’d like to nominate these 11 bloggers and put them to the test.  If you’ve already received this award or don’t wish to face the trial, feel free to ignore the nomination.  My nominees are:





Arria Cross



Random Philosopher




Of these chosen bloggers, I would ask the following questions:

What is your favorite color?

Now take that favorite color and associate it with any feeling, character, noun or concept you like and explain why you associate that color with that thing.

What foreign culture or country, ancient or present day, interests you the most?

What is the capital of Assyria?

What is your favorite Anime OST?  This can be the entire OST for a whole series, an album, a single song, or even a song you don’t know the name of so long as you described what’s it from and the scene it plays during.

If you could use Nen from HunterxHunter, what kind of Nen user would you want to be (Specialist not allowed) and what would your power be?  Feel free to answer with a basic outline or idea, or get as detailed as you want.

What’s your favorite pair of Heroes and Villains?  This can be a romantic pairing, a rival pairing or two characters who just have awesome fights, they must be from the same show.

What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Let’s talk anime babes, name one of your waifus or best girls from any series and include a picture.  If you happen to be a woman, do name a favorite female character and add a photo.

Now let’s talk anime bros, name one of your favorite hot boys from any series and include a picture, if you’re a dude name one of your favorite male characters and post a picture.

What it the trashiest or worst anime that you enjoy anyway?

3 thoughts on “A Sunshine Award from a Moon Goddess

  1. Congrats on the award, and thank you for nominating me. I did this recently but your questions seem fun, so I’ll just drop my answers here.

    1. Black. Or red. It depends on my mood.

    2. Red with blood because I am really fascinated with blood. (I swear I’m not a serial killer). I associate black with nothing and everything. Does that make any sense?

    3. Western culture. It’s far more liberal than mine and I’m attracted to that.

    4. Yahoo answers tells me it had 4 capitals at different points of time. Assur, Nimrud, Dur Sarukin, Nineveh . Huh, you learn something new everyday.

    5. Attack on Titan OST, hands down. Especially Reluctant Heroes and Call Your Name.

    6. I’m torn between Enhancement and Conjuration…but if I have to choose, Enhancement. I’d stick with the good old fashioned strength boosting. Not the most creative power out there but it’d suit me best, I think.

    7. L and Light. Their often ridiculous mind games will always have a special place in my heart.

    8. I have no clue.

    9. I wouldn’t mind marrying Celty from Durarara. I love that woman. Who needs a head to be hot.

    10. Pandora Hearts’ Gilbert is a sweetheart. A very sexy sweetheart.

    11. Any hentai show I watch would count.


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